Historic Preservation FAQs

What is a historic property?

Historic properties are generally important for their design, construction, and/or association with specific persons or events. Designated properties either meet national criteria or local criteria set forth by the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance.


What is the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program?

The Certified Local Government Program links federal, state, and local government into a partnership for the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties. Designation as a CLG makes preservation a public policy by way of a historic preservation ordinance. The City obtained CLG status in 1992.


Can I make changes to my property?

Yes. City Staff and the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) recommend changes that respect the original architectural design of the building. A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for work that will change the exterior appearance (we do not review interior remodeling). A helpful matrix is included in the COA Application to indicate whether the desired work requires permit review, staff review, or HPB approval.


Does staff or the Board review work done on the back of the building unseen areas?

Yes. A review is conducted for any work to the exterior of the building. The level of review is dependent on the scope of project work. Generally, additions visible from the front of the property that are less than 10% of the existing building footprint, and those not visible from the front that are less than 20% of the existing building footprint, require only staff level review.


Does Historic Preservation regulate paint colors?

No. However, staff is willing to make recommendations for interested owners on period-appropriate color palates.


Where can I get ideas for appropriate additions or alterations to my style of house?

The City of West Palm Beach Design Guidelines was created to assist homeowners, developers, and interested parties in maintaining and improving their historic property. The guidelines cover architectural styles, how to make an alteration or addition that compliments the style of the home, and a review of building materials. Please contact City Historic Preservation Staff for any further questions.


What if I want to demolish my structure?

Any building either individually designated or located within a historic district requires Historic Preservation Board review and approval. If granted, the owner may proceed to the Building Department for a demolition permit once plans for new construction have been approved. Those properties that contribute to the significance of the district are generally not approved for demolition. All demolition permits for any structure within the City are reviewed by Historic staff.


How do I apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness?

The Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application is available on our website or paper copies are available in the Development Services Department. The type and amount of information needed depends on the nature of the development request, which is outlined in the COA matrix. Any exterior modifications require historic staff review. The level of review is dependent on the scope of project work. To apply, please go to the

and search for the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application.


Is my yard and/or landscaping subject to historic review?

No. Landscaping is not subject to historic review. However, site walls and fences are subject to staff review, as are decks, patios and structures such as pergolas and sheds. Contact the City of West Palm Beach Landscape Planner for landscape specific questions. Generally, if the scope of work exceeds 50% of the improvement value, a landscape permit is required.


What fence can I have in a historic district?

Vinyl fences are not permitted in historic districts since they are a modern material and do not weather well in Florida’s heat and UV radiation. Chain link fences are generally not permitted, unless vegetatively screened in the front by hedges or planted material. Wood and aluminum fencing, which historically existed in the older neighborhoods, is allowed as long as they meet the height and setback requirements of the zoning and land development regulations.


Is financial assistance available for rehabilitation work?

At the moment, no financial assistance is available to private homeowners for the rehabilitation of their historic home. Please review the information regarding federal tax incentives and the local Ad Valorem program on our general overview page.


Are there tax incentives available to property owners in local historic districts?

Yes! The program provides for an exemption from tax increases on the improvements to historic properties for City and County Ad Valorem taxes for up to a ten (10) year period. The exemptions for historic properties are intended for the physical improvements necessary to restore or rehabilitate the historic structure, which may also include additions or alterations. You must apply for this exemption prior to starting any work on the property.


Do historic buildings have to meet modern energy code?

No – historic (contributing) buildings are exempt under the Existing Buildings, Florida Building Code from meeting energy requirements. Historic property owners can make sensitive improvements to increase the energy efficiency of their homes, such as installing interior or exterior storm windows, adding insulation to the walls and attic to increase overall R-values, and properly seal up foundations and plumbing gaps to prevent air infiltration.


Will local historic designation hurt my property values?

Historic designation has not been found to hurt property values. Comparing to non-designated properties in comparable neighborhoods, historic properties have equivalent or higher values. These are often the older neighborhoods closer to downtown or commercial areas and have increased accessibility. Historic districts also have the added benefit of design regulation, so the architectural style and neighborhood character is maintained for consistency. Because the review of proposed improvements in the district stabilizes the neighborhood, historic districts become desirable locations and resale values also increases. Other benefits of local historic district designation include legal protection for historic resources, preservation tax incentives, community revitalization and diversity, increased tourism, and a better quality of life.


Will local designation make my property taxes go up?

No. Property taxes are tied to real estate values. Property taxes for buildings within historic districts are taxed no differently than those outside the district.


Does being designated historic affect my ability to obtain/maintain insurance?

Several insurance companies specialize in historic properties, both at the local level and those recommended by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Most insurers will need to understand that in a catastrophic event, the property owner is not required to rebuild an identical structure using period fixtures, materials, and construction techniques.


Can I lease out my house?

Any legal use of the property permitted under the existing zoning district is still allowed.


Can an individual property be designated?

Yes. Any property that is at least 50 years old, has architectural merit or is associated with a significant person may be proposed for designation. Archaeological sites, whether those are prehistoric or from early settlement, may also be nominated for their potential to yield future information. All eligible sites must have integrity of design and content, to ensure that they are complete representations of their historic period.


What is the difference in individual designation versus Historic Districts?

Individual designation includes properties that stand on their own, while districts include a geographically defined area of importance. "Non contributing" properties are properties within a historic district that have been too altered or represent modern construction. The protections and benefits are equally applied regardless of whether a property is listed individually or is a contributing resource within a historic district.


Do I have any say in whether my neighborhood is designated as a historic district?

Yes. Public comment is an important part of the initial designation process. By law, property owners in a proposed local historic district must be notified of the proposal so that they may voice their opinion in favor or against any designation during the required public hearings. Once designated, owners do not have an option of removing themselves from the historic district.


Are all buildings within a historic district necessarily historic?

No. A historic district is comprised of two (2) different types of properties; contributing and non-contributing. Contributing properties add to the historic significance of the district in their architectural design and integrity of these features. Noncontributing properties have either been modified from their original form (and require restoration or reconstruction), or constitute newer construction that is outside the period of significance for the historic district.


Can a property owner “opt out” of being included in a local historic district?

No. After the public hearings are held and the City decides to establish a local historic district, it follows the standards and guidelines created by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior for the National Register of Historic Places. The Secretary’s guidelines for determining historic district boundaries state that boundaries are based on geography, integrity and the significance of the resource, not on political boundaries or ownership. These guidelines go on further to state that “donut holes” cannot be cut in the district to intentionally exclude properties.


My house is included in a local historic district, do I have to restore it to the way it was when it was originally built?

No. The purpose of local historic district designation is to retain as much of the original historic material that existed during its time of construction, while still making the structure comfortable and useful for modern living.


My house is a “non-contributing” structure. Do I need my rehabilitation reviewed for appropriateness?

Yes. A “noncontributing” structure is one which is less than 50 years old or a building greater than 50 years old which has lost its historical integrity. The focus of review is to ensure that improvements that affect size, massing and placement do not adversely affect adjacent resources and those within the district overall. A property that is currently classified as “non-contributing” may have the potential to be classified “contributing” in the future if historic features are restored.