Audit Plans

The Office of the Internal Auditor developed the FY2025 Annual Audit Plan using a risk based assessment, professional judgment, audit resource allocation and management requests for audits.

This Audit Plan is a planning tool to help ensure the best use of audit resources. As such, it is subject to change throughout the year as different needs arise. Post Audit status reports will be issued during the year to determine the implementation status of recommendations made in the audits.

FY2025 Audits

  1. Parking and IT’s Data Exchange (DAVE)

  2. IT Data Security

  3. IT Internal Penetration Testing

  4. Bonds

  5. Police Patrol Division

  6. Water Distribution Operations

  7. Engineering Project Management and Procurement

  8. Parking’s Driver and Vehicle Information Database (DAVID)

  9. Special Revenue Part 1

  10. HCD - Federal and State Programs

This Audit Plan represents a flexible planning document. As such, some audits may not be conducted this year. Further, audits may be conducted that are not included in this document.